Almost Famous

After six weeks of travelling around the world, it's time to continue my journey at home. Life goes on and Fanny is still making headlines. "We're moving to Sydney darlinks!" To be continued...

Press Play to hear Barbra:

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


More decorations found and purchased at Toys R Us...just a few tricks and treats! I'm thinking of some design ideas for my costume. I'm hoping to get some faux leaves to add to my outfit and I already bought spider and frog brooches. I might have to drag out my video of It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown - Halloween Special...damn, I don't have a VCR any more? Now I'm on the lookout for the DVD.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Tis the season for Halloween. At least for me as I'm preparing for my annual party. I'm creating bigger and better decorations and have purchased some more from a great site in Amercia.

Martha Stewart has supplied endless ideas for creating the perfect haunted house. Try the creepy Spider Eggs and Witches Curtains.

Thursday, December 20, 2007


A new home, in a new suburb, a 40th birthday celebration, parties, BBQ's and more...where did the time go? Merry Christmas Everyone.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Halloween Party

To celebrate my turning 40, I'm having a Halloween Party. It doesn't require costumes, just spooky and Gothic decor. I've incorporated my Wizard of Oz fascination with a few stand ups - it's going to be magic. I even have "poppies" to add that final touch, not to mention black roses. 28 days til the big day - can't wait.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Are you a Good Witch or Bad Witch?

These are so cool - a six foot tall stand up of Glinda in the home - it's the latest trend...will I or won't I? Hmmm...

Saturday, August 18, 2007


She's my new best friend...I love Rachael Ray. I tape her show everyday and watch it when I get home. Hubby indulges me, but I don't think he's such a R&R fan. Check her out on Foxtel...or her website!


I know, I know it's been a long time since I've updated my blog...a lot has happened over the last few months?!!

We moved from Meadowbank and have bought a new home in Rosebery...

We managed to sell our property in Melbourne *fingers crossed*.

Here's a pic of our new home sans furniture...we're still unpacking boxes and rearranging furniture but it's's a two bedroom unit on the third floor over looking a quiet street. We over look some trees; however on the opposite side, we have a patio that over looks the planes landing and taking off (luckily without the noise). It's quite tranquil in a strange way watching these huge birds soar through the sky.

Sunday, March 04, 2007



I loved the movie and the soundtrack. Great scene by Jennifer Hudson - she chewed up the screen with her performance.


I forgot to mention the Oscars. We watched them Monday 26 Feb - it's like Christmas and NYE rolled into one...Christopher and David are here on holidays, so we watched them together. A first in a very long time. I loved the ceremony this year. Very classy and Ellen was great even if she was assaulted by a tambourine...


Last night was Mardi Gras 2007. We watched the fantastic parade from the Glamstand in style and comfort. We had front row seats and all the comforts at home including Champagne. We caught up with Mini Me, TM from London and hubby's coworkers. The parade was too long but fantastic. It was very exciting with some fun floats and very pretty marching boys. We walked to the party and ran into some friends along the way from Melbourne. We caught up with the boys and danced the night away. Some of us left a little early but not before seeing Boy George and Rupert Evertt. It was a great night. Today we're recovering and pigging out!

Saturday, December 23, 2006


I woke up suddenly realising that I wanted to get to the mall before it started to get busy. I managed to get a parking spot in the Parents with Prams area and luckily no one noticed. I was in and out - god bless Big W. I tried to get some groceries but it was a madhouse in Woolies, so I turned around and left. Alan and I did most of our grocery shopping last night and there was no one in sight. It was great; however I forgot a couple of things so I'll be going back tonight. I'm dreaming of a white Christmas.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Cool Yule

Today I discovered Bette's new Christmas CD - well it's probably not new however I never saw it in stores until today and I've been looking. I bought a stack of new Christmas music including The Charlie Brown Christmas Special soundtrack which is a classic back in November. But getting back to Bette. It's fabulous and divine. Merry Xmas to the Divine Ms M.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Boogiemen's Hangout

For my birthday my older sister sent me a fantastic present, the Boogiemen's Hangout. It was meant to arrive before my birthday and be a major prop at my infamous Halloween party but it took over two months to arrive. Damn the Canadian Postal service. Anyway, it arrived this week and it's amazing. It's animated, has sound effects and comes complete with scary music. I can build an entire town with other collectable pieces from the Lemax collection...the down side is that I need an adaptor but that's easy enough to fix. Picture it. Fanny going to Dick Smith's on his lunch break to buy an international adaptor, how butch. Of course I bought the wrong one and had to return it. The output was incorrect or something strange like that...happy haunting.

Casino Royale

Daniel Craig - need I say more?

The movie was great; however a little long. I was able to avoid the snake scene by closing my eyes for five minutes until the hissing stopped and I heard the usual noises of mayhem that indicated Bond was on the run again. The stunts in the first few scenes were incredible. I read a review that said the only flaw in the movie was a dull theme song and I agree. The theme song is always a major draw card - Diamonds are Forever, Die Another Day, For Your Eyes it's time to enjoy Christmas.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Blood & Feathers: Ute Lemper

Tonight I was enchanted by a chanteuse named Ute Lemper. I first heard Ute singing on a CD in Vancouver in 99. I was in Vancouver to see Cher but today I'm in love with Ute. I taped a special on Ovation and watched it alone as hubby is in Melbourne. The Christmas tree is glowing with coloured lights and tinsel. I sat and watched in awe and amusement at Ute Lemper performing live at the Cafe Carlyle. She looks like Garbo and sounds like Dietrich.
She sang Pirate Jenny and Cabaret. She sang a melody of Moon songs, german love songs and a tribute to Fred Ebb.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Happy Holidays

Tomorrow is December and it's time to get into the festive season. We already have a Xmas party to attend next weekend! I think we'll put our tree up this weekend as hubby is travelling to NZ, so the sooner we put the tree up the better. I get to use my new Wizard of Oz Xmas ornament I bought in Toronto a few months ago - more like four! And I think we've decided what to do for NYE. Indulgence which is on 1 January. This way we don't battle the crowds on NYE. I'm counting the days til my Xmas break from 22 December til 2 January. Bliss. No plans but to get fit so I can fit into my party shorts! New Year Resolution: buy new party shorts. And to get a life?

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Actors Studio

I've started watching the Actors Studio which I love. It's my favourite show. I watched a special edition with special guest Liza Minnelli. It was wonderful to see Liza who was in fine form after enduring many illnesses. She shared stories about her mother and father, her films and live performances.
I've seen other stars like Cameron Diaz, Natalie Portman, Diane Lane and Liza. It's fascinating. The greatest stars are those who have that inner quality of stardom - you either have it or you don't. Some of the above actors never had formal training? Unless you're born into Hollywood royalty possessing the genes of icons. However you have to prove that you can hold your own like Liza with a Z! I saw Liza in 1987 for the first time in NYC. I was alone in Manhattan - it was a dream come true. I still have my t-shirt and ticket stub from that concert. I should sell them on ebay. I may just make a small fortune (or not). People like Liza and Judy ignited my imagination from an early age and they still keep me safe when times are tough. It's a Quiet Thing...

Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Prestige

This afternoon we saw the movie The Prestige, starring Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale. I didn't really know much about it but saw a little ad some weeks ago and thought it was a great cast. It was a little long though. It would have made a very intriguing book I think. Very interesting concept and a beautiful period piece. The acting was very good although Scarlett's English accent was a little faint. Hugh's six pack was enough for me...the fabrics and jewelry caught my eye throughout the film - see if you can figure out each magicians secret?

Tis the Season Again...

On Friday 17 November our office had it's Christmas party. It was at the Industrie Bar which boasts a South of France experience, French cuisine and Persian decor. It's located on Pitt Street just down from Chanel or Martin Place. It was nice to be back in the city. I took the ferry from home and walked up from Circular Quay. It was 7pm, so the crowds of young professionals dressed in gorgeous couture, were making their way to drinks or to party.
The food was delicious and it was fun to dress up. I left around midnight as I tend to turn into a pumpkin or into rags...
Besides hubby arrived from Glasgow Sat morning after 10 days of traveling so I need my beauty sleep. I scored the last season of Will & Grace on DVD.
Here is a pick of the Industrie Bar. We'll have to meet there for drinks one day mon ami.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

I Don't Feel Like Dancin'

Yesterday I bought two new albums. Beyonce's Bday and Scissor Sister's Ta-Dah! I love em. My favourites are "Irreplaceable" and "I Don't Feel Like Dancin'". I can play those songs over and over again. Beyonce is my new Whitney! And Scissor Sister are just too sexy! They sing a song called The Other Side, with a Judy Garland dialogue...gee I wonder if they're gay...?

Monday, October 30, 2006

Halloween Party

Saturday night was a huge success. The place was decorated from head to toe, right down to the crawling hand from Walmart that we bought last year. We had some fun special effects and the long errie hallway was perfect to set the mood. I turned another year older, which is scary but had a fantastic birthday. I received another Tiffany's box with a beautiful pendant from hubby. We went to the movies and saw Trust the Man. It had a stellar cast and was set in NYC.
Decorating for the party took a few hours and unfortunately I didn't take any photos on the night. It wasn't fancy dress but I wore my Wicked T-Shirt which was perfect. Anyway, happy trick or treating!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Trick Or Treat

This October I'm having another Halloween party. It's my 39th birthday party so the scary theme is quite appropriate! I've been obsessed with my party which is still three weeks away. I created first class invites, have created fabric for 'haunted' curtains and even framed a postcard of Linda Blair from the Exorcist. It should be a fun night. My most impressive accomplishment is Franken-Cher, a dummy that I created. It's a life size dummy stuffed with newspaper that sits in the corner. It will scare the pants off anybody who turns the corner. I named her Franken-Cher because it boasts one of her wigs! All I have to do now is create a menu and hope that the guests arrive with bells on.
I found a picture book of vintage Halloween imagery when we were in Cologne last year. This is a photo of the front's a classic.

I've also started watching a couple of shows called Most Haunted...and Dead Famous - both shows are about paranormal behavior in haunted houses? It's creepy and good for a laugh.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Friends with Money

Today I drove to JR's for lunch and a movie. We saw Friends with Money. A disturbing movie with great characters and actors. JR didn't like it but I did and I now have a new career choice - maid.
I went to a charity Ball two weeks ago and rented a tux. Fabulous night with gorgeous people raising money for cancer. I felt like Cinderella but without a curfew.
I also did a training session at the Stamford airport hotel. Our company is distributing a haircare product; so it was like revisiting my hairdressing days...and we scored free products.
I'm planning another Halloween bash. I get to use the props that we bought at Walmart last year...very cool. I'll decorate the place to look like a haunted house.
Hubby is overseas for two weeks. San Fran and NYC. How lucky can you get. Oh well. I get to enjoy his experiences through email and mobile phones.

Sunday, September 03, 2006


I bought the soundtrack to Wicked. It's "Wonderful". The musical is premiering in Toronto this October! Bummer. Hubby is flying to NYC next month so I've instructed him to see Wicked and buy a little souvenir!

City of Angels

Well, we had a fabulous time overseas. It's a mere memory, like the gruelling flight to Canada amidst the security scare, flying solo and trying to kill time at the LA airport. The most trying ordeal was lining up for a coffee at Starbucks. Man that place is busy!
Anyway, on the way back from Canada we had a day to kill in LA. So we went to Universal Studios. Luckily our luggage was sent directly to Sydney so we didn't have to worry about excess baggage. So we hopped on a shuttle bus and toured Hollywood before being dropped off at Universal. I saw the Hollywood sign en route. It's like seeing the Eiffel Tower or the Statue of Liberty for the first time. I was happy. If nothing else I saw the Hollywood sign. I was actually in the land of the Oscars, Willl & Grace and the Emmy's. Universal Studios was only 45 min from the airport. We took a cab back to the airport and spent the rest of our time in the Qantas Lounge! Taking a shower between flights is a godsend. Anyway, Spring is in the air and we're loving our new home overlooking the river. It's nice to be home but Canada in the summer is a lot of fun.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


I arrived safe and sound (well almost sound) last evening (Tuesday 15 August). My flights were fine - nothing too memorable, even the transfer in LA was effortless, except for getting coffee at Starbucks. What a line up?!
Anyway, I arrived in Toronto, promptly jumped in a cab after standing around for what seemed like an eternity waiting for my luggage, and ended up at the hotel. Hubby was no where to be seen so I showered and changed. After 20 hours of flying I was desperate for some clean clothes and a facial.
Hubby called and I joined him at Zelda's - a cafe in the ghetto. It was a fun evening. I stayed up til 10pm which is weird - I thought I would be a zombie by 8pm. All I wanted to do was sleep but I didn't do much of that last night. I mean...I woke up a few times during the night and then woke Alan up at 6am. I couldn't take it any longer. He wasn't impressed.
Alan and I had breakfast in the village. Canadian French toast and bacon. With bottomless cups of coffee. Hubby is now attending the World Aids conference and I get to shop or at least window shop! The weather forecast for the rest of the week will be around 26C and sunny.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

North Hollywood

Hi darlings,

I'm off to TO (that's Toronto for those who don't know...) for some R&R. The hubby is attending a conference. I get to play for a few days before we head to Barrie and then Ottawa to visit family. How excitment. I never thought I would be travelling back to The Big 'O' after our last visit in October last year.

We're staying at the Cambridge Suites Hotel on Richmond Street, near Church Street. And it's summer over there so I can enjoy hot summer nights and cold beer at a sidewalk cafe...or sparkling champers!

Luca is going into a "hotel" for 12 days. It will break her little heart but I'm sure she'll be well looked after.

Now I have to prepare for the long flight(s). I'm travelling cattle class again!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Working Girl

I spent five weeks working as a temp at Frostbland as their receptionist. As fortune had it, an opening came up in the company and I was offered the position, no questions asked. It was a hard decision but after many nights thinking about it, I accepted. The role is Customer Service Supervisor. I'm assisting the National Sales Manager and dealing with complaints and requests from 14 Sales Reps and 2500 Pharmacies. I had a five day hand over but it's a complicated role and quite busy. I hope this works out. I'm sure after three months everything will be fine.
Because I'm not working in the city I have to drive to work. As we only have one car, we had to buy a new car for Alan. (His and His). At least we have two incomes paying the bills; as I wasn't planning on working full time till Sept. We have the trip to Canada to look forward and NB is visiting next Monday!
I can't believe I'm travelling overseas so soon after our trip to Europe/Canada. Check out past postings re: our trip.
Oh by the way, I'd like to think I'm Sigourney or even Harrison, but I'm a blonde version of Melanie. I've said in the past that life would be perfect if I was 7-of-9!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

20 Centimetres

Last night we watched a movie called 20 Centimetres - it's fantastic. I've never heard of it before but it was so lavish and full of great costumes I couldn't help but fall in love with it. Of course the cute men and great musical numbers helped. I adored the characters. It's a spanish film that included french and english lyrics. Who is this actress who played the lead. Monica Cervera. A must for your DVD collections!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Down for the Weekend

Alan decided to head down to Melbourne to conduct some business and we made a weekend out of it. I had Friday off work, so I left Friday morning. Alan left on Thursday. My flight was delayed by 45 min and I already made plans to meet NB for a drink in the city. I had to jump out of the taxi and gulp my wine before NB had to dash to her next meeting. No time to check into the hotel. It was great to see NB and catch up albeit quick, like speed dating I said. I didn't eat a thing all day, so the wine went straight to my head. The moment I sat down in the bar, 3 Below (pictured), it poured with rain. It was cold and wet. Welcome to Melbourne. When I left Sydney it was sunny and 18C. (NB arrives in Sydney for a visit at the end of the month which I'm looking forward to).

I walked to the Rydges on Exhibition St where we were staying and met up with Alan. We had a room on the 18th floor with a view. He had a late afternoon appointment so we departed. I did some shopping in Melbourne Central and took the tram to ICE cafe to meet the boys and Alan for dinner. It was strange being back in Melbourne. We saw most of our friends including D&H and their million dollar money pit. It'll be interesting to see it after the renovations. SS, DW, JM were all fabulous. The topic of conversation was Big Brother and Dick Cheese - oh how it was good to be back...? Even Blair graced us with his gorgeous pecs and smile.

We're back in sunny Sydney and we're about to assemble our new BBQ. How many fags does it take?

Luca stayed on her own and is permanently attached to my lap purring away, now that we're home. She manages fine for a couple of nights by herself, but we still need to find her a home for 10 days when we leave for Canada. Being away from her for such a long time is difficult.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Blue Hotel

On Friday night I drove into the city to meet Alan & to entertain his work colleagues. He finished an Advisory Board meeting which took place at the elegant and cool Blue Hotel (formerly W hotel). It's on the fisherman's wharf in Wooloomooloo. The drive into the city from Punchbowl was stressful and tiring. I followed RM in the heavy traffic and rain, to his street and then ventured off into the night alone til I arrived at the hotel. Whereis, gave me incorrect information, so I had to improvise but I made it in the end. I took advantage of the valet parking and I was only too happy to hand over the keys. I met Alan in the foyer, we went up to our loft style room before he had to head back to his guests. I wanted to change and freshen up before making my entrance. I was meeting Alan's boss for the first time so that was a special event. We had dinner at Ottos. The food was delicious, the wine flowed and the service impeccable. We were all quite full by the end of the meal. Most of the guests left and went their separate ways, but some of us were up for a night cap before heading to bed. I was so tired it was a real struggle to keep my eyes open. My teeth hurt I was so tired. The room was divine with a view over looking our old apartment building in Potts Point. We had to get up early to take the car to the garage so we could get the NSW blue slip. Too bad we couldn't enjoy the great hotel room for a few more hours. We then had breakfast at Phil's in Parramatta before picking up the car and heading home. Luca was alone for the night so I was anxious to see her.

We also bought a BBQ on Sunday and visited Karen and her family. On Saturday afternoon, Alan's sister and Mortie came for a brief visit. This time they could see the view as it wasn't dark but rather fresh and bright from the afternoon sunshine.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

New Digs

Shepherds Bay Village is our new neighbourhood, located on the Parramatta River. Our building, the Waterford Tower is located just to the right of this photo, which you can't see. I'll try to get more photos in due time.


Hi darlinks,

I've been living life from day to day, trying to settle into our new home. I haven't been very productive and my blog has suffered, like my fans. But today I'm feeling better & it's time to post some memorable moments.

Like getting Foxtel. I've resisted for years but Alan was really keen so how could I say no. We got the lot including the IQ box, which allows us to record any show we want, which is great. I can record all the Will & Grace episodes I want and watch them at my leisure.

The other great thing about cable is the fact that I got to watch the TONY Awards live. Last Monday morning at 10am. I sat for three hours glued to the giant LCD television (to accommodate the new cable hook up) and watched the many stars hosting the show. I'm hoping to see the Drowsy Chaperone in TO if I get the chance. Here's a pic...

I've started working (as a temp) at Frostbland as their receptionist. RM got me the job so I can't act like a complete idiot. It's going well so far. I drive to and from work which only takes 30 mins. It's a small company and the people are great. It's nice to see RM on a daily basis...they distribute cosmetics and fragrances. They had a 'warehouse sale' open to the public, so I bought some cool stuff at half price.

The hubby is loving his job and it's going very well. He's very pleased with the outcome so far and loves his team. Already he's scheduled to travel to San Fran, Glasgow and Toronto. I think Madrid is in there somewhere? I can't keep track. I'm going to Toronto with him in August.

The weather in Sydney is very nice and we're overlooking the water, which is so gorgeous. I have some pics I'll post later. Ta ta

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

O for Oprah

Lately I've kept myself busy running errands, doing housework or simply checking out the sights. We found a place to live in Meadowbank and we move on Saturday, so that kept me busy for a while. I didn't want to become a slave to daytime television, so I would allow myself one hour of daytime TV. I chose to watch Ellen. Oprah followed, which was hard to resist.
For a while I've wanted to get Oprah's 20th Anniversary collection on DVD. It's expensive but the other day I found it on sale for half price, so I had to get it. I watched the first DVD today. For anyone who loves Oprah, you should (no, must) get this box set! It's heart wrenching, over whelming and profound. It's fun to watch Oprah evolve over the years but the segment called Heartprints will rip you up inside and change your life. It's was so inspirational. Sounds corney I know but it's true. I can't wait to watch the other five DVDs. If I actually had tear ducts, I would have balled my eyes out ten times over!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

3 Bay Drive

We found a new place to live in Meadowbank. We move in on Sat 13 May.
3 Bay Drive
Now I just need to find a job...

Monday, May 01, 2006

Cruising a Ferry

Today I went into the city via Ferry from Parramatta. It took one hour and made one stop. It was a pleasant way of getting into town. We sailed past our new home in Meadowbank and arrived at Circular Quay around 11am. I had coffee outside of the Opera House and then walked to Pitt Street Mall and the QVB building. I had lunch inside the Queen Vic Building at the Old Vienna Coffee House - it was very relaxing and quiet. I meandered back to Circular Quay and caught the 3pm ferry to Parramatta. Once I got off the ferry, I made a quick stop at Harris Farm Markets (very fresh produce and gourmet foods) before walking home. It's still a little overcast and it constantly threatens rain but so far nothing. Last evening we had a lightening storm cross the sky, which was fun to watch but again no rain or even thunder.

Saturday, April 29, 2006


Here's a photo of our view from the balcony in Parramatta. (If you squint, you can see the Sydney skyline...). Notice how I'm trying to suppress my excitement?! We have a great view and a huge balcony/terrace to enjoy BBQs and afternoon teas. Tomorrow JR is venturing out this way to enjoy a BBQ with us, so I'm looking forward to that.
Today we drove out to Meadowbank to view a unit again. The same agent stood us up again, so we were very lucky to meet Dave, who is an agent with Waterpoint Apartments. He was stood up and was more than happy to show us an apartment (the same unit that Alan and I were admiring from the grounds). It's gorgeous, a little small; however it has that WOW factor and it does have all the criteria that we wanted including air conditioning! We filled out an application so fingers crossed it'll get approved without any hiccups. We should be able to move in within two weeks. It was almost too easy, as it's been very stressful trying to get in touch with agents and viewing properties. Today we had a very tight schedule, viewing townhouses and flats, but after this morning we had the whole day to relax!
Tonight we're having dinner in Darlinghurst with S&S. It should be fun being back in the hood on a Sat night.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Hello from Sydney

Hello gorgeous! I've been in Sydney for a week's very strange and the pressure of finding a place to live is very daunting. We want to move into a place sooner rather than later, so we can get our furniture sent up from Melbourne ASAP. I've been looking on line at properties but trying to arrange a time to inspect these properties is the hard part. It's a game of cat and mouse with real estate agents. We haven't even inspected one property so far let alone, filled in an application. However tomorrow we're viewing several properties in Meadowbank and Burwood. Today we're looking at a unit in Croydon and hopefully a townhouse in Five Dock. Otherwise, there's not much else to report.
I want to send NB and LR a big hug and lots of kisses from Parramatta! They made my last day a real treat and I'm very sad to have left them in Melbourne. However, they'll be glad to know that their guest room will be 'ready' any time...
We miss the breakfast club terribly. Our Saturdays just won't be the same! Not to mention our best friends (who have been very quiet lately I might add)...
I drove out to Punchbowl, which sounds festive but isn't to visit Rob at his work and to meet his boss. I'm working there in June for four weeks while the receptionist goes to Germany on holidays. I have a three day handover, so I hope this won't be a nightmare? It's good experience before I launch into looking for a new job in September. Alan and I are travelling to Ottawa/Toronto in August, which I'm looking forward to. Alan's travelling to TO on business.
I'm filling in my time by watching Ellen, walking down the main drag (Church St) and visiting the post office or grocery shopping. We have a large balcony which is ideal for sitting in the sun and reading or watching the stupendous view. Something I'll be sad to leave behind. The rest of the unit is very nice, with views from every room. It's been cool in the evenings and we've even had the heater on most nights.
I have my car sitting in the garage but I'm too nervous to drive around. I have no idea where I'm going and trying to read a UBD street map while driving is not a good look. The drive out to PB was bad enough. But I'll need to take the plunge and do it sometime.
I can't seem to access my photos, so no pics to post.
Fingers crossed we can find a place to live tomorrow!?

Saturday, April 15, 2006


This Good Friday was Rawhide @ Chasers (interesting name for a night club) however this party was during the day. I love that. I went to Suzy's first for a cup of tea and a short visit before Kelvin arrived to take us to a friend's birthday party. It was pre party to Rawhide really. A lot of gorgeous boys filled this quiet East ST Kilda flat. We arrived at Chasers around 12:30pm. Great party, good music and fun crowd. Suzy always has an entourage upstairs at a booth, so at any given time you can rely on a familiar face to keep you company. I left around 5pm. I didn't do any recovery parties. I'm too much of a prude for that sort of thing. I went home to watch a couple of movies and went to bed. I had breakfast with Ian this morning at ICE cafe. SS left early and DW was sick, so it was a small gathering at the breakfast table. I caught up with D&A - apparently they were planning a dinner party in my honour but forgot to invite me. I'm too preoccupied with the move and have other things on my mind, so I decided not to go. I may go to the flicks this evening with SS, otherwise I'm cleaing before the big move. I want the place to be organised before Monday. IJ may stay a couple of nights before heading back to London. I spent my Friday night cleaning the guest room. I'm such a party animal...All is well with husband. He's moving us out of Homebush Bay and to a nice flat in Parramatta?

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Farewell Tour

On Sunday afternoon we held our Farewell Tour at the Royce Hotel's Amberoom bar. We had delicious finger food and drinks from 4pm. As Alan left on Tuesday it was his last chance to say goodbye to his friends in Melbourne. (I'm leaving next week). A long lost friend showed up and the girls from work were great moral support. It was LR's bday, so I gave her a book on being a great Mom...all the boys were there including AB who gave us two framed photos, including one from Chill Out. The only complaint was the boisterous wedding party who were drunk but dressed to the nines...we finally left at 8pm.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Last night I listened to a song from the Wicked Soundtrack compliments of Gable. He left a huge library of music on my desktop that I only listened to last night. One of the songs from the Broadway musical Wicked is "Popular", which I love. I couldn't stop listening to it...I even went to sleep listening to this song that evoked so much passion and creativity! I think it would be fun to do in drag. I must get the album. Alas, I don't think I'll get to see the musical anytime soon.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Homebush Bay

This is where we're living initially when we arrive in Sydney/Homebush Bay. We have accommodation for at least six weeks before finding a place to is Alan's last day at work. It's quite a monumental day. I'm counting the days til 18 April. By then I'll be alone for a week prior to my move to Sydney.
It reminds me of that time when I went to live with Gable in Mountain View. We stayed in a studio apartment until we moved into Park Place, which was this huge, secure, very modern complex, much like The Waterfront.

Click here to view The Waterfront in Homebush

Monday, April 03, 2006

Free & Easy

Today I had the day off. I met a friend in the city for lunch. I use to work with Pina at NX a few years ago and we're still in touch. Then I went over to Nigel's for a massage - it was heaven. Earlier, I went down to Commercial Road and returned the DVDs to Blockbuster. We rented Wallace & Gromit and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, both were very good. I then bought a ticket to RAWHIDE (Good Friday sans Alan) and had a coffee at ICE cafe before heading back home. I ran into Steve and Geoff, they tried to convince me that I should go to Toy Box in Sydney next month (but I've told Colm that we might go to "Inquisition" on 20 May)...but hopefully we'll see them at our farewell on Sunday 9 April.
Alan should be home soon, so I better get going. Desperate Housewives and Commander in Chief are on tonight - my favourite TV shows!
We tested some kitty 'Valium' on Luca last night, as recommended by our vet, and it was very sad and funny to see Luca wandering around the flat in a drunkin' stupor. I thought she would sleep it off but she was determined to move around as if everything was normal...she finally came to bed with us and didn't move til the morning. Luckily she didn't stress and should be fine to take some more during her plane ride to Sydney.

Friday, March 31, 2006


I recently found a photo on the internet of 'Pinewood Orchards', which is where I grew up in Ottawa. I was a wee apple blossom back in those days...I was doing some research on Kanata, as I have some friends from Melbourne visiting Ottawa/Kanata next month, and I came across this pic in the archives.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


We bought Luca a new collar and ID tag. We are slowly getting her use to the idea that we're moving to Sydney. She got a clean bill of health from the vet and hopefully she won't fret too much during the whole ordeal. She will stay in a cattery for a few days during the 'packing phase' and then she will be shipped up to Sydney, where we'll meet her in our new residence (where ever that may be)...the adventure continues.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Work Station

As I'm leaving my job, I thought I'd add this photo of my work station (Metropolitan Ambulance Service). I sat at the 'reception desk' of the CEO's office. 24 June would have been my thrid year anniversary. Like I want to be reminded...? Notice the pic of Judy and Barbra on the far right! My daily inspiration. There is a photo of David, Jason, Tim and Simon, taken at ICE cafe, as my screen saver - our Saturday morning ritual for the last five years...It will be very difficult leaving them behind.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Free Again

Today I handed in my resignation. My last day is 18 April. I'm so excited. I've started to tell everyone at work. I get to enjoy Easter in Melbourne before leaving. I might as well get paid for the public holidays. It's a great relief to say I'm leaving. The move is quite a dramatic way to exit!It's stressful thinking about the little details and some of the major ones too, like renting out our apartment but like Alan says, 'everything will fall into place'. I shouldn't stress so much. Alan is so happy and can't wait to get started in his new role as Business Unit Manager at MSD. He leaves for Sydney 11 April, so I'll be alone for a week or so before joining him.
The city is a buzz of excitement due to the Commonwealth Games. The Queen is in town and the spectacular opening ceremony should be good. We saw the rehearsal on Monday night with Simon and his boy, Glen. I hope it doesn't rain.
Alan is in Sydney for a few days, on business. Both Medired work and PLWHA. Which is a good opportunity to get reaquainted with Sydney and make some extra cash for our new adventure. I have no plans this week but I have a cold, so I'll be getting some extra zzz's before the weekend.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Chill Out

Saturday morning we drove up to Daylesford for the weekend. We stayed at Fae's house on East St. It's an adorable little home, decorated with the most exquisite taste. We relaxed in her backyard reading newspapers under a huge tree. We then hooked up with Mark, Brett and Andrew for drinks at Peppers. They drove up with some friends, Troy and Ceaton who were lots of fun. We sat on the lawn getting quite drunk and watching the crowd wonder by. It was very civilised with lots of eye candy to look at. There was live music, which wasn't too overbearing. We then had a disco nap back at Fae's house, before heading to the Palais for dinner & a show - a delicious meal & drag extravaganza. We met up with the boys and had a fun night. We couldn't sit at the same table but we did meet a fantastic Lesbian couple who were a lot of fun. Quite interestingly, we had a lot in common. Unfortunately the other gay couple were too quiet, even for me! Like most drag shows, it went on and on and on. But it finally finished amidst multi coloured feather boas. We had the most delightful sleep too - no trams, traffic, neighbours or lights to keep us awake. This morning we had breakfast out, and headed to the Carnival. It was a lot of fun. Better than last year for some reason. Instead of Babba, a Kylie impersonated performed, singing songs, (with her own voice) and had real professional dancers. There were plenty of familiar faces and again, lots of eye candy. We had fun dropping the bomb or spreading the news that we were moving to Sydney.
Alan drove to Daylesford and I drove back. We love our little car. We left Daylesford at 4:30pm and arrived in Melbourne by 5:45pm. Of course it's another stinking hot day. It was a fun weekend - we have Monday off, so we're looking forward to doing nothing. We may catch up with Fae as she returned from Sydney and will be staying in town til tomorrow. Too bad Shayne couldn't join us...Jason & David went away for the weekend too and weren't available. We also ran into Suzie who was working at the PLWHA stand. Alan ran into his boss and told him the news about the new job and moving to Sydney. Basically resigning in the middle of Chill Out.

Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore

We have some great news. Alan got the job in Sydney at Merc as a Business Unit Manager. He received the call on Friday evening. We're both very excited. He should be very proud. It's a great salary package and they will make every effort to make the whole transition as simple as possible for us. They haven't decided on a start date, nor has Alan signed the contracts but we suspect we'll move in 4 - 6 weeks?! We want to live in Homebush Bay as Alan's office is in Sth Granville. It will be a major culture shock from our time in Sydney back in the mid-late nineties, but we're ready to grow up and try something new...? We'll check out the different possibilities and neighbourhoods. We have time to find out what works best in terms of traffic/commuting. Our friends in Sydney are excited; however our friends in Melbourne are not so happy...We hope to rent out our apartment, and Luca will join us in Sydney once we're settled.

Click here to view some rental properties

Monday, March 06, 2006


Saw it - Loved it. The downward spiral of Capote's life is evident after watching this movie about Truman's six year project, In Cold Blood. I think it consumed him and turned him into an alcoholic. I think I will name my next pet, Truman. Phillip will definitely win the Oscar. I've decided to forgo soccer and stay home to watch the Red Carpet Special and the Oscars which start at 8pm.

La Vie Boheme

It's been a stressful week but things have settled and I have the day off, which means only one thing - movies. I'm going to see Capote.
On Saturday night we saw RENT with Shayne and Michael. I loved the stage play but I read a review that said the movie is as relevant as Grease by today's standards. The music is still great; however I thought the music came across better in the stage play. So needless to say, I'm listening to the soundtrak as we speak...
Tonight I'm watching the OSCARS - it's like Xmas darlings. I just hope I don't hear anything on the news that will give away the best kept secret in Hollywood by accident. The Aussie news will broadcast the winners before we get the telecast, which really bugs me. Anyway, I'll play soccer this evening (Alan may join us again) and do some domestic stuff too if I have time. And I need to write a letter to Skip!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Last night I played soccer at Fawkner park with Colm, Sean and John. Afterwards, Alan picked me up (he's a soccer Mom now) and we drove to the Como to watch TransAmerica. We won tickets. The MCV were promoting the movie and had a special screening. It was a electic group of gay men and lesbians/trannies. The movie is fantastic, Felicity is amazing. I hope she wins the Oscar! Tonight we have to watch Felicity in Desperate Housewives, as Alan taped it.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

The Constant Gardener

Today I saw the movie, The Constant Gardener. Mostly to see Rachel Weisz's performance as she has won several awards. The other reason was to see it with my friend Fae, unfortunately our paths didn't quite cross this afternoon and we saw the movie at separate theatres, alone.
I liked Rachel's performance but I don't know if she deserves the Oscar. Ralph was great but I don't think he's nominated? The style of the movie was very jagged and the editing was all of over the place - so I wasn't impressed; however it was still a good mystery/drama.

The party was a lot of fun on Friday night. Nigel has an amazing apartment over looking the Yarra River and gardens. Alan arrived later and missed Tony (BF) by about an hour. We left around 8:30 after being there for two hours...after a long week of work, it's hard to party on a Friday night. I'm not a spring chicken, no mo!

I had a facial after breakfast but it wasn't that special. Young fags these days spend all their energy partying and don't understand what real customer service is all about? I didn't have any relaxing music to listen to or any essential oils to enjoy and I had a dying plant next to me in the facial room. Matrons, get your act together!

Friday, February 17, 2006


I've been invited to a party this evening in the city. My friend Nigel is celebrating his birthday. I suspect there will be quite the interesting crowd as Nigel is a masseur and knows heaps of people.
I'm catching the bus into the city today. I left the car for Alan as he has the day off. This way I don't have to go home and park the car. I can stay in the city and drink as much as I like. Alan is working this evening but may meet me later...a good start to the weekend. It's also 35C. My make up will run!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Sad news

Alan's father passed away today. He was resting at a hospice in Sydney. I believe he was in a coma like state for some time. Alan is travelling up to Sydney tomorrow to pay his respects & visit his family.


Last weeekend, Gable treated us to a weekend away. We stayed in Lorne at the Cumberland (my choice). We left on Friday afternoon at 3pm. We collected Alan from Flagstaff Gardens as he had a work function in the city. It was a pleasant drive to Lorne; however we encountered some peak hour traffic in Geelong. We arrived at the hotel by 6pm. Alan and I went exploring and had a drink at a restaurant at the bottom of the main strip. We sourced a place for dinner and went back to the hotel to get Gable. Sat was cool and overcast. Not exactly the day for sunbaking on the beach. So we saw a movie instead, Mrs Henderson Presents. We had a late dinner at Marks Restaurant (very noisey and slow service). Sunday was very hot, so we managed to spend an hour or so on the beach enjoying the Lifesaving competitions before heading home. Attached is a photo from our balcony of Lorne Beach.
Gable is enroute to Cairns today before continuing his trip to Brisbane and Sydney. This is the last time we'll see him before he 'moves' here...

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Last Monday I had an ADO. It was my intention to go to the movies and see Memoirs of a Geisha. Little did I know that it was Gable's birthday! We went out for lunch, (met Andrew at ICE Cafe) and then we went to the Jam Factory to see Memoirs of a Geisha. It was beautiful. I wish I had read the book. According to the boys, it was true to the book. John Williams composed the music, which was beautiful.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

To Infinity & Beyond

Beyond was great - awesome actually. I had a brilliant time even though I went alone; however that's never a problem at Beyond. There are so many familiar faces, you're never alone. And the sea of men is like your own personal human tsunami. Scott Anderson and Neal Crawford both did gigs on the night! My two favourite DJs. Here's a pic of Neal.