Almost Famous

After six weeks of travelling around the world, it's time to continue my journey at home. Life goes on and Fanny is still making headlines. "We're moving to Sydney darlinks!" To be continued...

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Saturday, February 18, 2006

The Constant Gardener

Today I saw the movie, The Constant Gardener. Mostly to see Rachel Weisz's performance as she has won several awards. The other reason was to see it with my friend Fae, unfortunately our paths didn't quite cross this afternoon and we saw the movie at separate theatres, alone.
I liked Rachel's performance but I don't know if she deserves the Oscar. Ralph was great but I don't think he's nominated? The style of the movie was very jagged and the editing was all of over the place - so I wasn't impressed; however it was still a good mystery/drama.

The party was a lot of fun on Friday night. Nigel has an amazing apartment over looking the Yarra River and gardens. Alan arrived later and missed Tony (BF) by about an hour. We left around 8:30 after being there for two hours...after a long week of work, it's hard to party on a Friday night. I'm not a spring chicken, no mo!

I had a facial after breakfast but it wasn't that special. Young fags these days spend all their energy partying and don't understand what real customer service is all about? I didn't have any relaxing music to listen to or any essential oils to enjoy and I had a dying plant next to me in the facial room. Matrons, get your act together!


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