Almost Famous

After six weeks of travelling around the world, it's time to continue my journey at home. Life goes on and Fanny is still making headlines. "We're moving to Sydney darlinks!" To be continued...

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Monday, April 03, 2006

Free & Easy

Today I had the day off. I met a friend in the city for lunch. I use to work with Pina at NX a few years ago and we're still in touch. Then I went over to Nigel's for a massage - it was heaven. Earlier, I went down to Commercial Road and returned the DVDs to Blockbuster. We rented Wallace & Gromit and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, both were very good. I then bought a ticket to RAWHIDE (Good Friday sans Alan) and had a coffee at ICE cafe before heading back home. I ran into Steve and Geoff, they tried to convince me that I should go to Toy Box in Sydney next month (but I've told Colm that we might go to "Inquisition" on 20 May)...but hopefully we'll see them at our farewell on Sunday 9 April.
Alan should be home soon, so I better get going. Desperate Housewives and Commander in Chief are on tonight - my favourite TV shows!
We tested some kitty 'Valium' on Luca last night, as recommended by our vet, and it was very sad and funny to see Luca wandering around the flat in a drunkin' stupor. I thought she would sleep it off but she was determined to move around as if everything was normal...she finally came to bed with us and didn't move til the morning. Luckily she didn't stress and should be fine to take some more during her plane ride to Sydney.


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