Almost Famous

After six weeks of travelling around the world, it's time to continue my journey at home. Life goes on and Fanny is still making headlines. "We're moving to Sydney darlinks!" To be continued...

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Sunday, March 12, 2006

Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore

We have some great news. Alan got the job in Sydney at Merc as a Business Unit Manager. He received the call on Friday evening. We're both very excited. He should be very proud. It's a great salary package and they will make every effort to make the whole transition as simple as possible for us. They haven't decided on a start date, nor has Alan signed the contracts but we suspect we'll move in 4 - 6 weeks?! We want to live in Homebush Bay as Alan's office is in Sth Granville. It will be a major culture shock from our time in Sydney back in the mid-late nineties, but we're ready to grow up and try something new...? We'll check out the different possibilities and neighbourhoods. We have time to find out what works best in terms of traffic/commuting. Our friends in Sydney are excited; however our friends in Melbourne are not so happy...We hope to rent out our apartment, and Luca will join us in Sydney once we're settled.

Click here to view some rental properties


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