Almost Famous

After six weeks of travelling around the world, it's time to continue my journey at home. Life goes on and Fanny is still making headlines. "We're moving to Sydney darlinks!" To be continued...

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Saturday, July 22, 2006

Working Girl

I spent five weeks working as a temp at Frostbland as their receptionist. As fortune had it, an opening came up in the company and I was offered the position, no questions asked. It was a hard decision but after many nights thinking about it, I accepted. The role is Customer Service Supervisor. I'm assisting the National Sales Manager and dealing with complaints and requests from 14 Sales Reps and 2500 Pharmacies. I had a five day hand over but it's a complicated role and quite busy. I hope this works out. I'm sure after three months everything will be fine.
Because I'm not working in the city I have to drive to work. As we only have one car, we had to buy a new car for Alan. (His and His). At least we have two incomes paying the bills; as I wasn't planning on working full time till Sept. We have the trip to Canada to look forward and NB is visiting next Monday!
I can't believe I'm travelling overseas so soon after our trip to Europe/Canada. Check out past postings re: our trip.
Oh by the way, I'd like to think I'm Sigourney or even Harrison, but I'm a blonde version of Melanie. I've said in the past that life would be perfect if I was 7-of-9!


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