Almost Famous

After six weeks of travelling around the world, it's time to continue my journey at home. Life goes on and Fanny is still making headlines. "We're moving to Sydney darlinks!" To be continued...

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Friday, April 28, 2006

Hello from Sydney

Hello gorgeous! I've been in Sydney for a week's very strange and the pressure of finding a place to live is very daunting. We want to move into a place sooner rather than later, so we can get our furniture sent up from Melbourne ASAP. I've been looking on line at properties but trying to arrange a time to inspect these properties is the hard part. It's a game of cat and mouse with real estate agents. We haven't even inspected one property so far let alone, filled in an application. However tomorrow we're viewing several properties in Meadowbank and Burwood. Today we're looking at a unit in Croydon and hopefully a townhouse in Five Dock. Otherwise, there's not much else to report.
I want to send NB and LR a big hug and lots of kisses from Parramatta! They made my last day a real treat and I'm very sad to have left them in Melbourne. However, they'll be glad to know that their guest room will be 'ready' any time...
We miss the breakfast club terribly. Our Saturdays just won't be the same! Not to mention our best friends (who have been very quiet lately I might add)...
I drove out to Punchbowl, which sounds festive but isn't to visit Rob at his work and to meet his boss. I'm working there in June for four weeks while the receptionist goes to Germany on holidays. I have a three day handover, so I hope this won't be a nightmare? It's good experience before I launch into looking for a new job in September. Alan and I are travelling to Ottawa/Toronto in August, which I'm looking forward to. Alan's travelling to TO on business.
I'm filling in my time by watching Ellen, walking down the main drag (Church St) and visiting the post office or grocery shopping. We have a large balcony which is ideal for sitting in the sun and reading or watching the stupendous view. Something I'll be sad to leave behind. The rest of the unit is very nice, with views from every room. It's been cool in the evenings and we've even had the heater on most nights.
I have my car sitting in the garage but I'm too nervous to drive around. I have no idea where I'm going and trying to read a UBD street map while driving is not a good look. The drive out to PB was bad enough. But I'll need to take the plunge and do it sometime.
I can't seem to access my photos, so no pics to post.
Fingers crossed we can find a place to live tomorrow!?


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