Almost Famous

After six weeks of travelling around the world, it's time to continue my journey at home. Life goes on and Fanny is still making headlines. "We're moving to Sydney darlinks!" To be continued...

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Saturday, January 21, 2006

The Wizard of Oz

Last night I met up with Colm and the soccer boys for the Midsumma Opening Party at Federation Square. It was a lot of fun. Maybe too much fun. We drank a lot of beer, flirted with a lot of boys and danced at Zinc.
Today, I woke up with a mild hang over, but I wanted to get my haircut before breakfast, so I left the house at 8:50am. I had breakfast with Shayne, Jason and David and then ended my outing with some grocery shopping before heading home for the afternoon. I wanted a much needed nap, but I opted to watch a DVD instead. As it's 38C today, I'm choosing to stay indoors in the cool comfort of the air conditioned flat. I decided to watch the The Wizard of Oz. I bought the newly restored DVD for my birthday. It is amazing. Everything is so fantastic. The sequins, the make up and the costumes. Not to mention the sound. I still need to watch the second DVD for the extra features. Alan is in Sydney and Gable is still in Adelaide, so it's a good opportunity to indulge in my favourite movie. But now I must start on the housework before the boys return from their travels. At least next week is a short work week because Australia Day falls on Thursday. Yeah!


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