Almost Famous

After six weeks of travelling around the world, it's time to continue my journey at home. Life goes on and Fanny is still making headlines. "We're moving to Sydney darlinks!" To be continued...

Press Play to hear Barbra:

Saturday, January 28, 2006


This weekend is RedRaw which Alan is attending, but I'm saving myself for the more intimate party, Beyond on Sat 4 Feb. I have Monday off, so I'm looking forward to a fun weekend.

Friday, January 27, 2006

I'm Melting!

It's so hot in Melbourne lately, I feel like the Wicked Witch melting in the Wizard of Oz!!

BrokeBack Mountain

Saw it - Loved it!

We saw BrokeBack Mountain on Tuesday 24 January at the Nova cinema in Lygon Street. It was an advanced screening put on by the gay community, so the entire audience, I suspect, were gay! We then had dinner with Colm and Anthony across the street for Italian including Gable who experienced a "new" part of Melbourne to explore...

Saturday, January 21, 2006

The Wizard of Oz

Last night I met up with Colm and the soccer boys for the Midsumma Opening Party at Federation Square. It was a lot of fun. Maybe too much fun. We drank a lot of beer, flirted with a lot of boys and danced at Zinc.
Today, I woke up with a mild hang over, but I wanted to get my haircut before breakfast, so I left the house at 8:50am. I had breakfast with Shayne, Jason and David and then ended my outing with some grocery shopping before heading home for the afternoon. I wanted a much needed nap, but I opted to watch a DVD instead. As it's 38C today, I'm choosing to stay indoors in the cool comfort of the air conditioned flat. I decided to watch the The Wizard of Oz. I bought the newly restored DVD for my birthday. It is amazing. Everything is so fantastic. The sequins, the make up and the costumes. Not to mention the sound. I still need to watch the second DVD for the extra features. Alan is in Sydney and Gable is still in Adelaide, so it's a good opportunity to indulge in my favourite movie. But now I must start on the housework before the boys return from their travels. At least next week is a short work week because Australia Day falls on Thursday. Yeah!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Golden Globes

Last night I unplugged the phone (or at least ignored it) as I watched the Golden Globe Red Carpet Special before the Golden Globe Awards ceremony. I loved it. I don't know how many pretend acceptance speeches I've rehearsed in my head. I was immersed in the whole experience. And Earrings were huge this year - literally. They were stunning. Lots of 'bling' everywhere. I loved Sandra Oh's reaction and worship WAG. That's Will And Grace for those who don't know. Brokeback Mountain starts in Australia on 26 January. We have tickets to an advance screening on Tuesday 24 January. I can't wait. I was going to post a photo of Ang Lee, but Reese is so cute and much more glam!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Last night I played soccer with the boys. We took a break between Christmas and New Years. Last week I still wasn't feeling well, so I didn't play but yesterday I decided what the hell. The oval was being used by a footie team who were training, complete with Physio and table! We were reluctant to play soccer near by but in the end were muscled off the oval, (including a group of young men who were playing their own game of soccer). Tanned and young and shirtless. I love summer. After a gruelling game, I drove home via Albert Park Lake - it's a stunning view of palm trees, water and the city skyline.

I called my Mum in England yesterday. I don't want her to feel like she's alone. Most of the 'preparations' are done. Now they are looking for a decent Nursing Care home in Letchworth for my Grandmother. I think there is quite a waiting list; however until an opening is available, she is living at a hospital/home for the aged. I found an article on the web about the fire. It really made the fire and my grandfather's passing very real!


Sunday, January 15, 2006

"TINA! Bring me the AXE!"

Yesterday was a movie day. We saw the movie, The Family Stone starring Diane Keaton and Sarah Jessica Parker. I liked it. It had a Christmas theme throughout the movie. It had some strong performances and characters too. But it lacked spark and I wanted to love Meredith so much until you realise she really is an idiot.

I rented My House in Umbria, which I adored. Give me Maggie Smith and Italy as a backdrop and I'm happy! Then later that night I watched Mommie Dearest! I haven't seen that movie in a very long time. I didn't realise it was so, well, bad and CAMP! And those eyebrows! Well Faye looked way too much like Joan which was uncanny. The costumes and jewels were brilliant - I'm not so sure about the wigs but it was fun to watch. I'm not sure how accurate it is, but it's always fun watching a big star loose it in a rose garden, "TINA! Bring me the AXE!".

Friday, January 13, 2006

Remembering my Grandparents

Earlier this week I received some very bad news. My Grandparents were in a house fire. The house was severely damaged. Both my grandparents suffered smoke inhalation and were admitted to hospital. Unfortunately, my Grandfather passed away a few days ago. My Mom and Aunt flew to Letchworth, England on the first available flight. My Grandma Rose is still in hospital and suffers from mild dementia. It will be a shock to her when she realises that she'll have to move into a nursing home, that her husband is gone and that her home of over 70 years has burnt to the ground.

My Mom will have a tough time ahead of her. I haven't spoken to her yet but I plan on calling tonight to find out more? I've been getting news from my Dad and cousin via email. I can only imagine that my Mom and Aunt are tired from jet lag, drained from emotional trauma and grief!

I've added a photo of my Grandparents, which was taken over 15 years ago. My Grandad George was always immaculately dressed. He had style and grace. I regret not visiting them in Letchworth when I was in London three months ago but I can't dwell on the past. I will always remember them as they are in the photo.

Monday, January 09, 2006

King Kong

On Sunday morning we headed to Village Crown Gold Class to watch King Kong. It was a 10am session so the cinema wasn't full, which was nice and since the movie was three hours, we still had the rest of the day to play. The movie was a treat - a nostalgic film with beautiful imagery and fantastic graphics. Naomi Watts is a mega star who has made it from rags to riches! The new Gilda. I've included a picture that captures the essence of the movie. I highly recommend it and would watch it again for the rich tapestry of costumes, props and scenery.
Peter Jackson knows how to make a movie! He's the new Speilberg.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Barbra Streisand & Other Musical Instruments

I've just finished watching the last of Barbra's TV specials. It was a huge production of songs, costumes, appliances and even a camel. It featured Barbra and Ray Charles singing a duet(s). The most haunting version of Cryin' Time you'll ever hear. And like I suspected, Barbra did her own makeup.

Well, anyway, I'm sick. The post NYE party bug, so I'm staying in this Saturday morning. It's beautiful outside. It looks like a glorious weekend. I took Tuesday off work because I was sick but finished my first 'week' working in IMS/Strategic Planning. I hope this month goes quickly. We have a public holiday on 26 Jan., so that'll help.

Luca caught a bird this morning. Snatched it off the window sill, with the greatest of ease?! I was terrified she was going to hurt the bird, but more afraid it would fly around the bedroom. Luckily it got away and flew out the about excitement, for both Luca and I.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Fun with Dick

Today, Gable, Alan and I drove to ICE CAFE and met Shayne for brunch. We watched the crowd come and go, revisiting friends who had attended Rawhide/were still recovering from their NYE. Then we went our separate ways and I bought a Vanity Fair mag and Oscar book from Borders. At 2pm, we met up for a movie at the Jam Factory - 'Fun with Dick & Jane'. Mildly amusing with some good one liners! Tea was gorgeous and Jim had a great ass...

Sunday, January 01, 2006


We celebrated the New Year by heading off to RAWHIDE with David, Jason, Shayne and Gable. It was a hot weekend with the temp getting up to 43C. Today Alan and I recovered and watched Be Cool and Sin City. I highly recommend both movies...We had a fantastic night - it's all but a memory now. All the boys were there and then some. It was a sea of abs, pecs and hot sweaty skin! Today it's raining and it's much cooler. The cool breeze is a god send after the hot weather yesterday. I'll leave you with this note: Barbra sang , 'When You Gotta Go/In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning' in Las Vegas '69. I thought is was a wonderful way to end her performance. You can hear her perform these songs on Just for the Record or (hit play at the top of my blog). I'm getting Gable to assist with putting music on my blog (success)...Here's to new dreams, challenges and adventures.

This pic is a Al Hirschfeld caricature titled, Hello Dolly; however I think it's more representative of her TV special, The Belle of 14th Street because she wears an identical costume like the one in the above drawing.