Almost Famous

After six weeks of travelling around the world, it's time to continue my journey at home. Life goes on and Fanny is still making headlines. "We're moving to Sydney darlinks!" To be continued...

Press Play to hear Barbra:

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


On Sunday (Oct 30) I continued celebrating my birthday by going to Rawhide. It was a day party and Suzy was going with her entourage. Alan had to work at an HIV Forum, so I was travelling solo. Actually the MC (the infamous & popular Ms Wagner) injured herself and had to cancel at the last minute. It wasn't a good start; however I believe the Forum was a success. I arrived at the party by 12:30pm to find a huge line up outside the club. I ran into Murray who was behind me, so I joined him. He has the most dreamy eyes. Once inside I bumped into Brandon and Tim. I made my way upstairs to look for Suzy but I couldn't find her in the usual spot, so I went back downstairs to dance with the boys. It was a fun afternoon. Big Chris was there. I danced with him as Scott Anderson pumped out some great mixes. All the familiar faces were there and then some with the exception of Tony (BF). I decided at 5pm I had enough and it was time to drag my tired ass back home. I had to pop into Coles on the way home to buy milk and cereal, my two favourite food groups. I'm sure I looked trashed and smelled like a homeless person on a 40C day, but I was quick. I boarded the 72 tram and headed home. Luca greeted me at the door. I texted Alan to say that I was home if he was interested. Luckily he was & arrived within the hour. Later he went out to the recovery party at the Viper Room and had a blast...


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