Almost Famous

After six weeks of travelling around the world, it's time to continue my journey at home. Life goes on and Fanny is still making headlines. "We're moving to Sydney darlinks!" To be continued...

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Saturday, October 01, 2005

The Producers

Last night we saw the musical, The Producers in the Westend of London at the Royal Theatre in Covent Garden. It was a fun show and very camp. We sat third row from the stage, stage right in the stalls. We had a busy day. We did a tour of the Tower of London, which is a short distance from Tony & Mal's place. Our plan was to have an early dinner and drink before the show, which started at 7:30pm. By 4pm we decided to leave the grounds of the Tower, the tour had finished and we saw the Royal Jewels and walked around the White Tower. We took the tube to Embankment and went to Rupert Street for a drink. Then we walked over to Balans Cafe for dinner; however we had more than enough time to kill before the show. We had to find the theatre, which proved to be a challenge. We walked around for ages before finding it. We collected our tickets from the box office and then walked around Covent Gardens to HMV, where we bought Series 4 & 5 of Will & Grace on DVD for a bargain. In typical "Philip" style, I was suffering from a headache during the intermission of the show, so Alan bought me some aspirin from the corner store. He was a life saver as I could feel a migraine coming on. Like I said, the show was great. We then caught the tube home. It was packed with the Friday night crowd. Tony, Mal and Alan then promptly went out to Fiction. I stayed in because I'm still trying to recover from my cold.
I should also mention that I caught up with my relatives on Thursday 29 Sept. Alan and I took the train to Aylesbury, which took an hour from London. We spent the day with my Aunt & Uncle, who I haven't seen in over 15 years, before my cousin John (he's a "BOBBY") and his family arrived around 4:30pm for dinner. I'll include a photo. It was a great day. I'm glad we made the effort to catch up. It was a lot of fun. I have some old photos of Dad that Auntie Joan gave me. We caught the 8:30pm train home and that was that!


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