Almost Famous

After six weeks of travelling around the world, it's time to continue my journey at home. Life goes on and Fanny is still making headlines. "We're moving to Sydney darlinks!" To be continued...

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Sunday, September 25, 2005

An Apple A Day

It's been a week already and I still have a cold. I should be better by now; however it's worse today than ever? Today, I'm staying indoors again in hopes that I will miraculously be cured by tomorrow. Oliver's ex boyfriend Ralph, came over the other night with a bag full of german remedies: vitamins, lozengers, nasal spray & cream, cold tablets and tissues. We went out last night (Saturday) for dinner at POMPS and then drinks with some of Oliver's friends. I wasn't going to miss a Saturday night in Köln. The idea was to head out to a bar (Chains) but by midnight we were still at Ebar, local gay cafe, and Alan and I were fading fast. It was kinda intense, trying to participate in conversation between a group of five Germans and not understanding a word. It rained this morning but the sun is shining now and it seems warm. Although yesterday morning was chilly and we had to wear our jackets for the first time. Oliver went on a city run, 17 km, first thing this morning. He and Alan are now visiting a friend and having brunch somewhere. Another German experience I'm missing out on. Yesterday we went for a drive to visit Oliver's parents. A typical German village. His mother and sister manage a leather goods store. As a gift, they gave us an 'Eastpak' backpack, which was very kind of them. Then we met Oliver's father and nephew, Maximilian for lunch at an Italian restaurant. After we got home, we went to the Metropolis cinema, an English cinema. So we saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Tonight we may see Dark Water. I think tomorrow we will take a tour down the Rhein River.


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