Almost Famous

After six weeks of travelling around the world, it's time to continue my journey at home. Life goes on and Fanny is still making headlines. "We're moving to Sydney darlinks!" To be continued...

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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

LA Confidential

Hi darlings,
Ms Fanny is making one last entry, as we are half way home...we arrived in LA a short time ago and already my agent is on the phone asking if I want a bit part on Desperate Housewives...? It's tempting but I can't compete with Eva?! Besides, I look dreadful. Six weeks without looking at a dumbbell or a treadmill hasn't done me any favours. Anyhoo, travelling coach to Melbourne is going to be cosy to say the least! I have a window seat. I hope we have some serious drugs to help us sleep...I don't want to wake up until I see Tasmania from my seat! I want to thank all the little darlings who made our holiday even more enjoyable. The wedding in Montreal, the trip to Paris, London and Koln was just a dream come true. Autumn in Ottawa was worth it too. Even the view from the plane as we were landing into Chicago was worth it! We are looking forward to our own bed and being back in Melbourne. I can't wait to see Luca doubt she won't be happy but once she sees what I bought her from Harrods, I'm sure she'll love us like she's on catnip!! Ta ta.


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