Almost Famous

After six weeks of travelling around the world, it's time to continue my journey at home. Life goes on and Fanny is still making headlines. "We're moving to Sydney darlinks!" To be continued...

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Saturday, September 10, 2005


We flew for 300 hours...cattle class was horrible, actually BA was average. Our waitress from Singapore was boring and not very special. We did some shopping in Singapore (DKNY Delicious) and arrived in London at 6am. It was all too easy. We had coffee at Starbucks and collected our thoughts before heading to Tower Hill. It's in the heart of everything...Friday afternoon we strolled around Tower Hill, had morning tea around the corner from Tony & Mal's, lunch and wine with Tony and dinner in the flat. Friday night we went to Fiction night club. Awesome club!! Lots of great looking boys and friendly, VERY friendly. We met up with Ben (ICE hotty) and his brothers. Too funny. It's very humid in London at the moment. Today we're catching up with Ian and Alun, so I best get my sorry ass off the sofa and have a shower...Sunday night we're meeting up with Ben et al at DTPM. More later. I haven't really experienced Jet lag yet...had a short nap yesterday afternoon. We got home from Fiction at 6:00am and slept for a few hours. It's madness. I can't believe we're here!


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