Almost Famous

After six weeks of travelling around the world, it's time to continue my journey at home. Life goes on and Fanny is still making headlines. "We're moving to Sydney darlinks!" To be continued...

Press Play to hear Barbra:

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Working Girl

I spent five weeks working as a temp at Frostbland as their receptionist. As fortune had it, an opening came up in the company and I was offered the position, no questions asked. It was a hard decision but after many nights thinking about it, I accepted. The role is Customer Service Supervisor. I'm assisting the National Sales Manager and dealing with complaints and requests from 14 Sales Reps and 2500 Pharmacies. I had a five day hand over but it's a complicated role and quite busy. I hope this works out. I'm sure after three months everything will be fine.
Because I'm not working in the city I have to drive to work. As we only have one car, we had to buy a new car for Alan. (His and His). At least we have two incomes paying the bills; as I wasn't planning on working full time till Sept. We have the trip to Canada to look forward and NB is visiting next Monday!
I can't believe I'm travelling overseas so soon after our trip to Europe/Canada. Check out past postings re: our trip.
Oh by the way, I'd like to think I'm Sigourney or even Harrison, but I'm a blonde version of Melanie. I've said in the past that life would be perfect if I was 7-of-9!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

20 Centimetres

Last night we watched a movie called 20 Centimetres - it's fantastic. I've never heard of it before but it was so lavish and full of great costumes I couldn't help but fall in love with it. Of course the cute men and great musical numbers helped. I adored the characters. It's a spanish film that included french and english lyrics. Who is this actress who played the lead. Monica Cervera. A must for your DVD collections!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Down for the Weekend

Alan decided to head down to Melbourne to conduct some business and we made a weekend out of it. I had Friday off work, so I left Friday morning. Alan left on Thursday. My flight was delayed by 45 min and I already made plans to meet NB for a drink in the city. I had to jump out of the taxi and gulp my wine before NB had to dash to her next meeting. No time to check into the hotel. It was great to see NB and catch up albeit quick, like speed dating I said. I didn't eat a thing all day, so the wine went straight to my head. The moment I sat down in the bar, 3 Below (pictured), it poured with rain. It was cold and wet. Welcome to Melbourne. When I left Sydney it was sunny and 18C. (NB arrives in Sydney for a visit at the end of the month which I'm looking forward to).

I walked to the Rydges on Exhibition St where we were staying and met up with Alan. We had a room on the 18th floor with a view. He had a late afternoon appointment so we departed. I did some shopping in Melbourne Central and took the tram to ICE cafe to meet the boys and Alan for dinner. It was strange being back in Melbourne. We saw most of our friends including D&H and their million dollar money pit. It'll be interesting to see it after the renovations. SS, DW, JM were all fabulous. The topic of conversation was Big Brother and Dick Cheese - oh how it was good to be back...? Even Blair graced us with his gorgeous pecs and smile.

We're back in sunny Sydney and we're about to assemble our new BBQ. How many fags does it take?

Luca stayed on her own and is permanently attached to my lap purring away, now that we're home. She manages fine for a couple of nights by herself, but we still need to find her a home for 10 days when we leave for Canada. Being away from her for such a long time is difficult.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Blue Hotel

On Friday night I drove into the city to meet Alan & to entertain his work colleagues. He finished an Advisory Board meeting which took place at the elegant and cool Blue Hotel (formerly W hotel). It's on the fisherman's wharf in Wooloomooloo. The drive into the city from Punchbowl was stressful and tiring. I followed RM in the heavy traffic and rain, to his street and then ventured off into the night alone til I arrived at the hotel. Whereis, gave me incorrect information, so I had to improvise but I made it in the end. I took advantage of the valet parking and I was only too happy to hand over the keys. I met Alan in the foyer, we went up to our loft style room before he had to head back to his guests. I wanted to change and freshen up before making my entrance. I was meeting Alan's boss for the first time so that was a special event. We had dinner at Ottos. The food was delicious, the wine flowed and the service impeccable. We were all quite full by the end of the meal. Most of the guests left and went their separate ways, but some of us were up for a night cap before heading to bed. I was so tired it was a real struggle to keep my eyes open. My teeth hurt I was so tired. The room was divine with a view over looking our old apartment building in Potts Point. We had to get up early to take the car to the garage so we could get the NSW blue slip. Too bad we couldn't enjoy the great hotel room for a few more hours. We then had breakfast at Phil's in Parramatta before picking up the car and heading home. Luca was alone for the night so I was anxious to see her.

We also bought a BBQ on Sunday and visited Karen and her family. On Saturday afternoon, Alan's sister and Mortie came for a brief visit. This time they could see the view as it wasn't dark but rather fresh and bright from the afternoon sunshine.