Almost Famous

After six weeks of travelling around the world, it's time to continue my journey at home. Life goes on and Fanny is still making headlines. "We're moving to Sydney darlinks!" To be continued...

Press Play to hear Barbra:

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Funny Face

Alan is very busy jet setting around Australia. He spent four days in Adelaide, returning on Sunday night. He then left Friday for Sydney for one night returning Saturday evening. Today is Sunday and he has to work again...David and Jason dropped off the Travel DVD of our wedding and holiday pics. The cover looks great. Julie is in town on business and will be here shortly for lunch and to watch the DVD. She will have her pics of Cuba and Canada, so it should be a fun afternoon reminiscing and drinking Cosmos.

The silly season is upon us. We already have invites to parties starting next weekend. ICE CAFE is throwing their annual Xmas bash, which is always fun. Hopefully this month will fly by? But not too quickly. We bought our tickets to Rawhide for NYE. We bought one for Gable as he will be here. Should be a fun night. Shayne, David & Jason are coming too.

I've been very busy making new friends. I went to a couple of BBQ's last weekend. I've been a social butterfly, which is always nice especially when Alan is away. A girl can't get too lonely?

On a final note I rented Funny Face and watched it yesterday afternoon. I loved it. Audrey was stunning and Paris as the backdrop was marvelous. I loved the musical score too. *sigh*

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

More Great News

Gable has confirmed that he arrives in Sydney on 3 December. He will tour around before heading down to Melbourne. As Alan's mother arrives on 29 November, it will be a busy month. Tis the season...

The new car will be available on Tuesday 29 November (fingers crossed). Perfect timing to collect Alan's mother from the airport. I'm thinking of calling the car "Mini Me".

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Great News

I'm not sure what to share first. The fact that I played soccer on Monday night (a weekly thing) with a group of friends in St Kilda, or the fact that Alan and I bought a new car. Check this out:

Friday, November 11, 2005

Corpse Bride

Today I went to see Tim Burton's Corpse Bride at the new Hoyts cinema in Melbourne Central. Danny Elfman once again wrote the musical score. The Soundtrack was alright - not as memorable as 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'. I loved the gruesome characters, dead and alive.

Thursday, November 10, 2005


When Alan and I were travelling in Köln, we shopped at Peek & Cloppenburg - our favourite store. It has every brand name you could think of, and check out the architecture. A huge department store in the middle of the shopping district: Köln - Schildergasse, which is a short walk from Oliver's home.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Papa Can You Hear Me?

Yentl is being released on DVD, 28 November. Even though I saw it for sale at HMV on Oxford Street in London. As I LOVE Barbra, this was a good opportunity to put her on my blog (like I need a reason...). Looks like I'll be internet shopping again!

The Wedding

On Sat 8 October Alan and I were married at the Court House in Montreal. I stole this photo from Gable's Blog. It's the only photo of all of us together. Gable, Steve and Julie attended the ceremony and then we went for breakfast in Old Montreal. Afterwards we took photos in the Autumn Leaves. We celebrated that night at the Military Ball, which was part of the Black and Blue festival. Gable took a video of the ceremony. It was a joyous occasion and it was the highlight of our trip.
Thanks again to our friends who made the trip memorable.

Monday, November 07, 2005

The Happy Couple

Julie sent us some photos that she took during our holiday in Montreal and Ottawa. I'm not sure where this photo was taken but I like it, so I'm posting it on my blog (despite my crowsfeet!).

Friday, November 04, 2005

Photo Album

Last night David & Jason came over to show us the 'draft' DVD of the Europe/Canada photos. It's a montage of photos set to music including the small videos that we took with our digital camera. I'm looking forward to the completed version. It was a trip down memory lane and it's a great way to view our photos. Jason has spent a few days compiling this DVD for us on his computer. It's a work of Art. Thanks Jas!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Emily Rose

Tuesday 1 November was Melbourne cup day. The nation stands still and it's declared a public holiday in Victoria. Instead of gambling and spending the day with a million other people, drunk and suffering serious heat stroke, I opted to go the movies, my favourite past time. (Even though Carson Kressley is in town hosting the Melbourne Cup Race).

We saw the movie, "The Exorcism of Emily Rose". I wasn't going to see this movie at the cinema because I thought I could wait until it was released on DVD. However, Andrew came along so I thought why not. It was a hot day and the cinema was a good place to escape the heat. Alan joined us. The movie was a court room drama but still had a creepy presence about it, especially when Linney's character starts to believe in demons. I've seen it before. The key witness mysteriously dies before he is about to testify, the demonic noises growling out of a little girl, the demonic digital clock and the distressed priest. I really enjoyed it though. Laura Linnley is fantastic. Her hair was fabulous. Perhaps 'Emily' did suffer from Epileptic Psychosis? We will never know...Jennifer Carpenter did a great job, even though you can't help but compare her with Linda Blair.


On Sunday (Oct 30) I continued celebrating my birthday by going to Rawhide. It was a day party and Suzy was going with her entourage. Alan had to work at an HIV Forum, so I was travelling solo. Actually the MC (the infamous & popular Ms Wagner) injured herself and had to cancel at the last minute. It wasn't a good start; however I believe the Forum was a success. I arrived at the party by 12:30pm to find a huge line up outside the club. I ran into Murray who was behind me, so I joined him. He has the most dreamy eyes. Once inside I bumped into Brandon and Tim. I made my way upstairs to look for Suzy but I couldn't find her in the usual spot, so I went back downstairs to dance with the boys. It was a fun afternoon. Big Chris was there. I danced with him as Scott Anderson pumped out some great mixes. All the familiar faces were there and then some with the exception of Tony (BF). I decided at 5pm I had enough and it was time to drag my tired ass back home. I had to pop into Coles on the way home to buy milk and cereal, my two favourite food groups. I'm sure I looked trashed and smelled like a homeless person on a 40C day, but I was quick. I boarded the 72 tram and headed home. Luca greeted me at the door. I texted Alan to say that I was home if he was interested. Luckily he was & arrived within the hour. Later he went out to the recovery party at the Viper Room and had a blast...

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Birthday Bash (Sat Oct 29)

The one good thing about returning home besides the obvious was the much anticipated birthday party. It was a celebration of sorts: Halloween, Fanny's Birthday, our return and the Wedding! Alan decided to take charge and throw me a party. The guest list was full of names, names, names sweetie...even Little Steve made it down from Sydney to attend my party. Well, he tells me he was in town to visit his mother but we know better. In fact, Steve was our house guest for one night.

After a full week back at the office, it was hard to get into a routine. The jet lag was pretty bad and by Friday, I was ready for another holiday. I took it upon myself to clean the guest room on Friday night. I also felt compelled to dust the living room (one less thing to do on Saturday). On Saturday morning we did the usual 'breakfast club' at ICE with the boys and made a mad dash to buy a few supplies for the party. Alan ordered catering for the night and a cake, which we had to collect on our way. Luckily we ran into David and Jason, who saved our lives by giving us a ride home. We desperately needed an extra pair of hands and I was already starting to stress out. After purchasing some flowers from the Prahran Market, we headed home. It was obvious that I needed to get out of husband's hair so that he could start on the party preparations. I took a brisk walk down the Kings Way to the Party Supply store to find some metallic streamers. I was on a tight schedule. Clean the house by 5pm, decorations up by 6pm and that would give me just enough time to shower, moose, tuck, pluck, and choose the ultimate 'birthday' outfit before the guests arrived at 8pm. We almost had a disaster on our hands as Alan explained that Karen, David and their two year old son Zak, would be making an appearance between 5 & 7pm. I forgot to mention that Steve was arriving at 5pm as he was our house guest. Luckily Karen called to say that they couldn't make it and would call again on Monday Oct 31. Disaster averted.

We managed to clean the apartment from top to bottom. Kudos to Alan. The decorations were arranged and put up with fantastic flair. The severed hand from Walmart was a huge success. I also bought a plastic pumpkin from "Toys R Us" years ago that actually talks and flashes...My home made tealight shades were a success. (Thanks Kim!). The haunted bedroom was a success too. Billowing streamers and the sound of a chain saw coming from the bedroom hallway was most disturbing. There was also the occasional screaming from the bedroom, but that's another story.

Alan and I received wedding presents including a rotating Marilyn Monroe lamp! Fanny scored some fabulous gifts for her birthday and the champagne never stopped flowing. Jason brought some Cosmopolitans complete with dried cranberries. We had about 20 guests arrive and the final one left at 3am. Nova and Suzy were a big hit. Tony came solo and our new friend from Holland (Dutch Boy) came as promised. I'm hoping to get the photos from Alex and David soon. Andrew took photos with his camera (not digital), so I'll post them tout sweet once they're developed. I'm eager to see what I looked like and confirm who was at my party. I can't remember a thing?! I must say that Alan was the perfect host. The food was delicious and the birthday cake was dreamy. Blair arrived with his boyfriend, Philip. Blair shares his birthday with mine. How weird is that?

I found out afterwards that there was some serious flirting going on between DB and a few other people. I love a little scandal. Sunday was Rawhide but that's another story.