Almost Famous

After six weeks of travelling around the world, it's time to continue my journey at home. Life goes on and Fanny is still making headlines. "We're moving to Sydney darlinks!" To be continued...

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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Harry Potter

I had Monday off, so I debated about going to the beach or the movies. It was a very hot day, probably 27C, so I opted for the movies. Like Nicky Kidman, my fair skin just isn't built to withstand the sizzling heat of the sun.

I took the tram into the city to see Harry Potter at the new Melbourne Central cinemas, which I quite like. It was a 1:45pm showing and after three hours it was 4:30pm. I did enjoy the movie; however I haven't read the books, so it did jump around a lot. Dan Radcliffe is proving to be a very cute young man. And the opening scene featured a snake, a very LARGE snake!

My day ended after I did a quick tour of Big W and the health food store. I bought some more protein powder and headed home. I returned to find Alan home. I then went to Soccer and met up with Captain Colm, Paulie and Rando. I must admit Colm did look devilishly handsome without his shirt on. I took my t-shirt off only because I was ready to faint from the heat, (and then the others were ready to faint from my ghastly pale skin).

Later a herd of English backpackers came over with their 'real' soccer ball and asked if we wanted to play a game? Luckily we were just finishing up and didn't have to succumb to the embarrassment of playing a real game with straight lads. As much fun as that sounds, we were better off leaving them to it...


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