Almost Famous

After six weeks of travelling around the world, it's time to continue my journey at home. Life goes on and Fanny is still making headlines. "We're moving to Sydney darlinks!" To be continued...

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Sunday, June 18, 2006

New Digs

Shepherds Bay Village is our new neighbourhood, located on the Parramatta River. Our building, the Waterford Tower is located just to the right of this photo, which you can't see. I'll try to get more photos in due time.


Hi darlinks,

I've been living life from day to day, trying to settle into our new home. I haven't been very productive and my blog has suffered, like my fans. But today I'm feeling better & it's time to post some memorable moments.

Like getting Foxtel. I've resisted for years but Alan was really keen so how could I say no. We got the lot including the IQ box, which allows us to record any show we want, which is great. I can record all the Will & Grace episodes I want and watch them at my leisure.

The other great thing about cable is the fact that I got to watch the TONY Awards live. Last Monday morning at 10am. I sat for three hours glued to the giant LCD television (to accommodate the new cable hook up) and watched the many stars hosting the show. I'm hoping to see the Drowsy Chaperone in TO if I get the chance. Here's a pic...

I've started working (as a temp) at Frostbland as their receptionist. RM got me the job so I can't act like a complete idiot. It's going well so far. I drive to and from work which only takes 30 mins. It's a small company and the people are great. It's nice to see RM on a daily basis...they distribute cosmetics and fragrances. They had a 'warehouse sale' open to the public, so I bought some cool stuff at half price.

The hubby is loving his job and it's going very well. He's very pleased with the outcome so far and loves his team. Already he's scheduled to travel to San Fran, Glasgow and Toronto. I think Madrid is in there somewhere? I can't keep track. I'm going to Toronto with him in August.

The weather in Sydney is very nice and we're overlooking the water, which is so gorgeous. I have some pics I'll post later. Ta ta