Almost Famous

After six weeks of travelling around the world, it's time to continue my journey at home. Life goes on and Fanny is still making headlines. "We're moving to Sydney darlinks!" To be continued...

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Saturday, August 27, 2005


Luca, our favorite pet in the whole wide world (well she isn't a pet really, more like an extension of our little family). She won't be happy to see us leave. We have friends who are house sitting for six weeks, so Luca will be in good company; however she doesn't like to share her space with strangers. It should prove to be an interesting exercise for both parties? This is Luca

Friday, August 26, 2005


We are staying in Tower Hill, Central London. Our friends live there, over looking the Thames. Tres convenient! I've included a map of Tower Hill for easy reference. Only 12 more sleeps!


After a very long year of planning, researching, conspiring with friends and family, filling out forms and paying our dues, it's almost time to break away from this Island and explore the world.

We are travelling to London. Home of Madonna, Kylie, the Queen and Queens! Our dear friends Tony and Mal moved to London four years ago...they have set up a revolving door for visitors who knock on their door regularly. You seriously need to reserve time to stay with them. I can't wait. Names, names, names sweetie. These boys are jetsetters, party animals and truly adorable hosts. I'm dying to experience London with them. The last time I was there, was in 1981. I was thirteen years old and we spent the day in London. Not quite the experience I was looking for but it left a lasting impression. Punk was all the rage and Diana Spencer was getting hitched!

I want to relax, sleep in and party. I want to shop, have tea in the park and enjoy the scenery. Smell the roses and all that.

The flight is my first obstacle to tackle...flying to Canada is unbearable at the best of times. And we're travelling in cattle class. Damn those First Class passengers.

Tonight we are saying adieu to our friends who are moving to London. As you do...! It's a trend. I can't blame them really. Even Gilligan and the gang had to leave their lagoon sooner or later. You can only eat so many coconut cream pies!?

Next on the agenda is PACKING!